Suggestion: |
Birds |
Order: Passeriformes |
Order - Family: True warblers (Sylviidae) |
Name: Blackcap Latin: Sylvia atricapilla |
Name: Chiff-chaff Latin: Phylloscopus collybita |
Name: Firecrest Latin: Regulus ignicapillus |
Name: Garden Warbler Latin: Sylvia borin |
Name: Goldcrest Latin: Regulus regulus |
Name: Grasshopper Warbler Latin: Locustella naevia |
Name: Great Reed Warbler Latin: Acrocephalus arundinaceus |
Name: Icterine Warbler Latin: Hippolais icterina |
Name: Lesser Whitethroat Latin: Sylvia curruca |
Name: Marsh Warbler Latin: Acrocephalus palustris |
Name: Reed Warbler Latin: Acrocephalus scirpaceus |
Name: Savi`s Warbler Latin: Locustella luscinioides |
Name: Sedge Warbler Latin: Acrocephalus schoenobaenus |
Name: Subalpine Warbler Latin: Sylvia cantillans |
Name: Whitethroat Latin: Sylvia communis |
Name: Willow Warbler Latin: Phylloscopus trochilus |
Name: Wood Warbler Latin: Phylloscopus sibilatrix |
Order - Family: Finches (Fringillidae) |
Name: Brambling Latin: Fringilla montifringilla |
Name: Chaffinch Latin: Fringilla coelebs |
Name: Crossbill Latin: Loxia curvirostra |
Name: European Serin Latin: Serinus serinus |
Name: Goldfinch Latin: Carduelis carduelis |
Name: Greenfich Latin: Chloris chloris |
Name: Hawfinch Latin: Coccothraustes coccothraustes |
Name: Linnet Latin: Carduelis cannabina |
Name: Northern Bullfinch Latin: Pyrrhula pyrrhula |
Name: Pine Grosbeak Latin: Pinicola enucleator |
Name: Redpoll Latin: Carduelis flammea |
Name: Siskin Latin: Carduelis spinus |
Name: Twite Latin: Carduelis flavirostris |
Name: Two-barred Crossbill Latin: Loxia leucoptera |
Order - Family: Flycatchers (Muscicapidae) |
Name: Black Redstart Latin: Phoenicursus ochruros |
Name: Black-eared Wheatear Latin: Oenanthe hispanica |
Name: Bluethroat Latin: Luscinia svecica |
Name: Common Redstart Latin: Phoenicurus phoenicurus |
Name: Common Stonechar Latin: Saxicola torquata |
Name: European Robin Latin: Erithacus rubecula |
Name: Nighthingale Latin: Luscinia megarhynchos |
Name: Northern Wheatear Latin: Oenanthe oenanthe |
Name: Pied Flycatcher Latin: Ficedula hypoleuca |
Name: Red-breasted Flycatcher Latin: Ficedula parva |
Name: Spotted Flycatcher Latin: Muscicapa striata |
Name: Winchat Latin: Saxicola rubetra |
Order - Family: Wagtails and Pipits (Motacillidae) |
Name: Grey Wagtail Latin: Motacilla cinerea |
Name: Meadow Pipit Latin: Anthus pratensis |
Name: Pechora Pipit Latin: Anthus gustavi |
Name: Pied White Wagtail Latin: Motacilla alba |
Name: Red-throated Pipit Latin: Anthus cervinus |
Name: Richard`s Pitpit Latin: Anthus richardi |
Name: Tawny Pipit Latin: Anthus campestris |
Name: Tree Pipit Latin: Anthus trivialis |
Name: Water Pipit Latin: Anthus spinoletta |
Name: Yellow Wagtail Latin: Motacilla flava |
Order - Family: Buntings and Sparrows (Emberizidae) |
Name: Cirl Bunting Latin: Emberiza cirlus |
Name: Corn Bunting Latin: Emberiza calandra |
Name: Lapland Bunting Latin: Calcarius lapponicus |
Name: Little Bunting Latin: Emberiza pustilla |
Name: Ortolan Bunting Latin: Emberiza hortulana |
Name: Reed Bunting Latin: Emberiza schoeniclus |
Name: Rustic Bunting Latin: Emberiza rustica |
Name: Snow Bunting Latin: Plectrophenax nivalis |
Order - Family: Jays en Crows (Corvidae) |
Name: Carrion Crow Latin: Corvus corone |
Name: Common Raven/Raven Latin: Corvus corax |
Name: Eurasian Jay Latin: Garrulus glandarius |
Name: Hooded Crow Latin: Corvus cornix |
Name: Jackdaw Latin: Corvus monedula |
Name: Magpie Latin: Pica pica |
Name: Nutcracker Latin: Nucifraga caryocatactes |
Name: Rook Latin: Corvus frugilegus |
Order - Family: Thrushes (Turdidae) |
Name: Blackbird Latin: Turdus merula |
Name: Fieldfare Latin: Turdus pilaris |
Name: Mistle Thrush Latin: Turdus viscivorus |
Name: Redwing Latin: Turdus iliacus |
Name: Ring Ouzel Latin: Turdus torquatus |
Name: Song Thrush Latin: Turdus philomelos |
Name: White`s Thrush Latin: zoothera aurea |
Order - Family: Chickadees and True tits (Paridae) |
Name: Blue Tit Latin: Parus caeruleus |
Name: Coal Tit Latin: Parus ater |
Name: Crested Tit Latin: Parus cristatus |
Name: Great Tit Latin: Parus major |
Name: Long-tailed Tit Latin: Aegithalos caudatus |
Name: Marsh Tit Latin: Parus palustris |
Name: Willow Tit Latin: Parus montanus |
Order - Family: Larks (Alaudidae) |
Name: Crested Lark Latin: Galerida cristata |
Name: Horned Lark Latin: Eremophila alpestris |
Name: Skylark Latin: Alauda arvensis |
Name: Wood Lark Latin: Lullula arborea |
Order - Family: Swallows and Martins (Hirundinidae) |
Name: House Martin Latin: Delichon urbica |
Name: Sand Martin Latin: Riparia riparia |
Name: Swallow Latin: Hirundo rustica |
Order - Family: Shrikes (Laniidae) |
Name: Great Grey Shrike Latin: Lanius excubitor |
Name: Red-backed Shrike Latin: Lanius collurio |
Name: Woodchat Shrike Latin: Lanius senator |
Order - Family: Weavers (Ploceidae) |
Name: House Sparrow Latin: Passer domesticus |
Name: Tree sparrow Latin: Passer montanus |
Order - Family: Leaf Warblers (Phylloscopidae) |
Name: Arctic Warbler Latin: Phylloscopus borealis |
Name: Yellow-browed Warbler Latin: Phylloscopus inornatus |
Order - Family: Starlings (Sturnidae) |
Name: Starling Latin: Sturnus vulgaris |
Order - Family: Waxwings (Bombycillidae) |
Name: Bohemian Waxwing Latin: Bombycilla garrulus |
Order - Family: Wrens (Troglodytidae) |
Name: Wren Latin: Troglodytes troglodytes |
Order - Family: Accentors (Prunellidae) |
Name: Dunnock Latin: Prunella modularis |
Order - Family: Sittidae |
Name: Eurasian Nuthatch Latin: Sitta europaea |
Order - Family: Treecreepers (Certhiidae) |
Name: Short-toed Treecreeper Latin: Certhia brachydactyla |
Order - Family: Old world orioles (Oriolidae) |
Name: Golden Oriole Latin: Oriolus oriolus |
Order - Family: Paradoxomithidae |
Name: Bearded Reedling Latin: Panurus biarmicus |
Order - Family: Dippers (Cinclidae) |
Name: Dipper Latin: Cinclus cinclus |
Order - Family: Marsh Warblers (Acrocephalidae) |
Name: Aquatic Warbler Latin: Acrocephalus paludicola |
Order - Family: Penduline tits (Remizidae) |
Name: Penduline Tit Latin: Remiz pendulinus |
Order: Charadriiformes |
Order - Family: Sandpipers (Scolopacidae) |
Name: Bar-tailed Godwit Latin: Limosa lapponica |
Name: Black-tailed Godwit Latin: Limosa limosa |
Name: Broad-billed Sandpiper Latin: Limicola falcinellus |
Name: Buff-breasted Sandpiper Latin: Tryngites subruficollis |
Name: Common Greenshank Latin: Tringa nebularia |
Name: Common Redshank Latin: Tringa totanus |
Name: Common Sandpiper Latin: Tringa hypoleucos |
Name: Common Snipe Latin: Gallinago gallinago |
Name: Curlew Latin: Numenius arquata |
Name: Curlew Sandpiper Latin: Calidris ferruginea |
Name: Dunlin Latin: Calidris alpina |
Name: Eurasian Woodcock Latin: Scolopax rusticola |
Name: Great Snipe Latin: Gallinago media |
Name: Green Sandpiper Latin: Tringa ochropus |
Name: Grey Phalarope Latin: Phalaropus fulicarius |
Name: Jack Snipe Latin: Lymnocryptes minimus |
Name: Lesser Yellowlegs Latin: Tringa flavipes |
Name: Little Stint Latin: Calidris minuta |
Name: Pectoral Sandpiper Latin: Calidris melanotos |
Name: Purple Sandpiper Latin: Calidris maritima |
Name: Red Knot Latin: Calidris canutus |
Name: Red-necked Phalarope Latin: Phalaropus lobatus |
Name: Ruddy Turnstone Latin: Arenaria interpres |
Name: Ruff Latin: Philomachus pugnax |
Name: Sanderling Latin: Calidris alba |
Name: Spotted Redshank Latin: Tringa erythropus |
Name: Temminck`s Stint Latin: Calidris temminckii |
Name: Whimbrel Latin: Numenius phaeopus |
Name: White-rumped Sandpiper Latin: Calidris fuscicollis |
Name: Wilson`s Phalarope Latin: Phalaropus tricolor |
Name: Wood Sandpiper Latin: Tringa glareola |
Order - Family: Gulls (Laridae) |
Name: Black-headed Gull Latin: Larus ridibundus |
Name: Glaucous Gull Latin: Larus hyperboreus |
Name: Greater Black-backed Gull Latin: Larus marinus |
Name: Herring Gull Latin: Larus argentatus |
Name: Iceland Gull Latin: Larus glaucoides |
Name: Kittiwake Latin: Risa tridactyla |
Name: Lesser Black-backed Gull Latin: Larus fuscus |
Name: Little Gull Latin: Larus minutus |
Name: Mediterranean Gull Latin: Larus melanocephalus |
Name: Mew Gull Latin: Larus canus |
Name: Sabine`s Gull Latin: Xema sabini |
Order - Family: Terns (Sternidae) |
Name: Arctic Tern Latin: Sterna paradisea |
Name: Black Tern Latin: Chlidonias niger |
Name: Caspian Tern Latin: Hydroprogne caspia |
Name: Common Tern Latin: Sterna hirundo |
Name: Gull-billed Tern Latin: Gelochelidon nilotica |
Name: Little Tern Latin: Sterna albiforns |
Name: Sandwich Tern Latin: Sterna sandvicensis |
Name: Whiskered Tern Latin: Childonias hybrida |
Name: White-winged Black Tern Latin: Chlidonias leucopterus |
Order - Family: Plovers and Lapwings (Charadriidae) |
Name: Dotterel Latin: Charadrius morinellus |
Name: European Golden Plover Latin: Pluvialis apricarius |
Name: Grey Plover Latin: Pluvialis squatarola |
Name: Kentish Plover Latin: Charadrius alexandrinus |
Name: Little Ringed Plover Latin: Charadrius dubius |
Name: Northern Lapwing Latin: Vanellus vanellus |
Name: Ringed Plover Latin: Charadrius hiaticula |
Order - Family: Auks (Alcidae) |
Name: Atlantic Puffin Latin: Fratercula arctica |
Name: Black Guillemot Latin: Cepphus grylle |
Name: Guillemot Latin: Uria aalge |
Name: Little Auk Latin: Alle alle |
Name: Razorbill Latin: Alca torda |
Order - Family: Skuas and Jaegers (Stercorariidae) |
Name: Arctic Skua Latin: Stercorarius parasiticus |
Name: Great Skua Latin: Stercorarius skua |
Name: Long-tailed Skua Latin: Stercorarius longicaudus |
Name: Pomarine Skua Latin: Stercorarius pomarinus |
Order - Family: Avocets (Recurvirostridae) |
Name: Avocet Latin: Recurvirostra avosetta |
Name: Black-winged Stilt Latin: Himantopus himantopus |
Order - Family: Coursers and Pratincoles (Glareolidae) |
Name: Collared Prantincole Latin: Glareola pratincola |
Name: Cream-coloured Courser Latin: Cursorius cursor |
Order - Family: Oystercatchers (Haematopodidae) |
Name: Oystercatcher Latin: Haematopus ostralegus |
Order - Family: Thick-knees (Burhinidae) |
Name: Stone-Curlew Latin: Burhinus oedicnemus |
Order: Anseriformes |
Order - Family: Ducks, geese and swans (Anatidae) |
Name: Barnacle Goose Latin: Branta leucopsis |
Name: Bean Goose Latin: Anser fabalis |
Name: Blue-winged Teal Latin: Anas discors |
Name: Brent Goose Latin: Branta bernicla |
Name: Canada Goose Latin: Branta canadensis |
Name: Common Goldeneye Latin: Bucephala clangula |
Name: Common Pochard Latin: Aythya ferina |
Name: Common Scoter Latin: Melanitta nigra |
Name: Common Shelduck Latin: Tadorna tadorna |
Name: Eider/Common Eider Latin: Somateria mollissima |
Name: Ferruginous Duck Latin: Aythya nyroca |
Name: Gadwall Latin: Anas strepera |
Name: Garganey Latin: Anas querquedula |
Name: Goosander Latin: Mergus merganser |
Name: Greater Scaup Latin: Aythya marila |
Name: Greylag Goose Latin: Anser anser |
Name: King Eider Latin: Somateria spectabilis |
Name: Lesser White-fronted Goose Latin: Anser erythropus |
Name: Long-tailed Duck Latin: Clangula hyemalis |
Name: Mallard Latin: Anas platyrhynchos |
Name: Mute Swan Latin: Cygnus olor |
Name: Northern Pintail Latin: Anas acuta |
Name: Northern Shoveller Latin: Anas clypeata |
Name: Pink-footed Goose Latin: Anser brachyrhynchus |
Name: Red-breasted Goose Latin: Branta ruficollis |
Name: Red-breasted Merganser Latin: Mergus serrator |
Name: Red-crested Pochard Latin: Netta rufina |
Name: Ring-necked Duck Latin: Aythya collaris |
Name: Ruddy Shelduck Latin: Tadorna ferruginea |
Name: Smev Latin: Mergus albellus |
Name: Snow Goose Latin: Anser caerulescens |
Name: Surf Scoter Latin: Melanitta perspicillata |
Name: Teal Latin: Anas crecca |
Name: Tufted Duck Latin: Aythya fuligula |
Name: Tundra Swan Latin: Cygnus bewickii |
Name: Velvet Scoter Latin: Melanitta fusca |
Name: White-fronted Goose Latin: Anser albifrons |
Name: White-headed Duck Latin: Oxyura leucocephala |
Name: Whooper Swan Latin: Cygnus cygnus |
Name: Wigeon Latin: Anas penelope |
Order: Accipitriformes |
Order - Family: Eagles and Hawks (Accipitridae) |
Name: Black Kite Latin: Milvus migrans |
Name: Common Buzzard Latin: Buteo buteo |
Name: Golden Eagle Latin: Aquila chrysaëtos |
Name: Griffon Vulture Latin: Gyps fulvus |
Name: Hen Harrier Latin: Circus cyaneus |
Name: Marsh Harrier Latin: Circus aeruginosus |
Name: Montague`s Harrier Latin: Circus pygargus |
Name: Northern Goshawk Latin: Accipiter gentilis |
Name: Red Kite Latin: Milvus milvus |
Name: Rough-legged Buzzard Latin: Buteo lagopus |
Name: Sparrowhawk Latin: Accipiter nisus |
Name: Spotted Eagle Latin: Aquila clanga |
Name: Western Honey Buzzrd Latin: Pernis apivorus |
Name: White-tailed Sea Eagle Latin: Haliaeëtus albicilla |
Order - Family: Osprey (Pandionidae) |
Name: Osprey Latin: Pandion haliaetus |
Order: Ciconiiformes |
Order - Family: Herons (Ardeidae) |
Name: Great Bittern Latin: Botaurus stellaris |
Name: Great egret Latin: Ardea alba |
Name: Grey Heron Latin: Ardea cinerea |
Name: Little Bittern Latin: Lxobrychus minutus |
Name: Little Egret Latin: Egretta garzetta |
Name: Night Heron Latin: Nycticorax nyctiorax |
Name: Purple Heron Latin: Ardea purpurea |
Name: Squacco Heron Latin: Ardeola ralloides |
Order - Family: Ooievaars (Ciconiidae) |
Name: Black Stork Latin: Ciconia nigra |
Name: White Stork Latin: Ciconia ciconia |
Order - Family: Ibises and Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) |
Name: Glossy Ibis Latin: Plegadis falcinellus |
Name: White Spoonbill/Eurasian Spoonbill Latin: Platalea leucrodia |
Order: Strigiformes |
Order - Family: Uilen (Strigidae) |
Name: European Scops Owl Latin: Otus scops |
Name: Hawk Owl Latin: Surnia ulula |
Name: Little Owl Latin: Athena noctua |
Name: Long-eared Owl Latin: Asio otus |
Name: Short-eared Owl Latin: Asio flammeus |
Name: Snowy Owl Latin: Bubo scandiacus |
Name: Tawny Owl Latin: Strix aluco |
Name: Tengmalm`s Owl Latin: Aegolius funereus |
Order - Family: Kerkuilen (Tytonidae) |
Name: Barn Owl Latin: Tyto alba |
Order: Gruiformes |
Order - Family: Rails (Rallidae) |
Name: Baillon`s Crake Latin: Porzana pusilla |
Name: Coot Latin: Fulica atra |
Name: Corn Crake Latin: Crex crex |
Name: Little Crake Latin: Porzana parva |
Name: Moorhen Latin: Gallinula chloropus |
Name: Spotted Crake Latin: Porzana porzana |
Name: Water Rail Latin: Rallus aquaticus |
Order - Family: Cranes (Gruidae) |
Name: Common Crane Latin: Grus grus |
Order: Procellariiformes |
Order - Family: Petrels (Procellariidae) |
Name: Cory`s Shearwater Latin: Puffinus diomedea |
Name: Greater Shearwater Latin: Puffinus gravis |
Name: Manx Shearwater Latin: Puffinus puffinus |
Name: Northern Fulmar Latin: Fulmarus glacialis |
Name: Sooty Shearwater Latin: Puffinus griseus |
Order - Family: Storm petrels (Hydrobatidae) |
Name: Leach`s Storm Petrel Latin: Oceanodroma leucorrhoa |
Name: Storm Petrel Latin: Hydrobates pelagicus |
Order: Falconiformes |
Order - Family: Falcons (Falconidae) |
Name: Common Kestrel Latin: Falco tinnunculus |
Name: Gyr Falcon Latin: Falco rusticolus |
Name: Hobby Latin: Falco subbuteo |
Name: Merlin Latin: Falco columbarius |
Name: Peregrine Falcon Latin: Falco peregrinus |
Name: Red-footed Falcon Latin: Falco vespertinus |
Order: Piciformes |
Order - Family: Woodpeckers (Picidae) |
Name: Black Woodpecker Latin: Dryocopus martius |
Name: Great Spotted Woodpecker Latin: Dendrocopus major |
Name: Green Woodpecker Latin: Picus viridis |
Name: Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Latin: Dendrocopus minor |
Name: Middle-spotted Woodpecker Latin: Dendrocopus medius |
Name: Wryneck Latin: Jynx torquilla |
Order: Galliformes |
Order - Family: Pheasants (Phasianidae) |
Name: Common Pheasant Latin: Phasianus colchicus |
Name: Common Quail Latin: Coturnix coturnix |
Name: Grey Partridge Latin: Perdix perdix |
Order - Family: Tetraonidae |
Name: Black Grouse Latin: Lyrurus tetrix |
Name: Hazel Grouse Latin: Tetrastes bonasia |
Order: Columbiformes |
Order - Family: Pigeons (Columbidae) |
Name: Collared Dove Latin: Streptopelia decaocto |
Name: Rock Dove Latin: Columba livia |
Name: Stock Pigeon Latin: Columba oenas |
Name: Turtle Dove Latin: Streptopelia turtur |
Name: Wood Pigeon Latin: Columba palumbus |
Order: Podicipediformes |
Order - Family: Grebes (Podicipedidae) |
Name: Black-necked Grebe Latin: Podiceps nigricollis |
Name: Great Crested Grebe Latin: Podiceps cristatus |
Name: Little Grebe Latin: Podiceps ruficollis |
Name: Red-necked Grebe Latin: Podiceps griseigena |
Name: Slavonian Grebe Latin: Podiceps auritus |
Order: Gaviiformes |
Order - Family: Loons (Gaviidae) |
Name: Black-throated Diver Latin: Gavia arctica |
Name: Great Northern Diver Latin: Gavia immer |
Name: Red-throated Diver Latin: Gavia stellata |
Name: White-bellied Diver Latin: Gavia adamsii |
Order: Coraciiformes |
Order - Family: Hoopoe (Upupidae) |
Name: Hoopoe Latin: Upupa epops |
Order - Family: River Kingsfishers (Alcedinidae) |
Name: Common Kingfischer Latin: Alcedo atthis |
Order - Family: Rollers (Coraciidae) |
Name: European Roller Latin: Coracias garrulus |
Order - Family: Sugarbirds (Meropidae) |
Name: European Bee-eater Latin: Merops apiaster |
Order: Pelecaniformes |
Order - Family: Cormorants and Shags (Phalacrocoracidae) |
Name: Great Cormorant Latin: Phalacrocorax carbo |
Name: Shag Latin: Phalacrocorax aristotelis |
Order - Family: Boobies and Gannets (Sulidea) |
Name: Northern Gannet Latin: Sula bassana |
Order: Cuculiformes |
Order - Family: Cuckoos (Cuculidea) |
Name: Cuckkoo Latin: Cuculus canorus |
Name: Great Spooted Cuckoo Latin: Clamator glandarius |
Order: Otidiformes |
Order - Family: Bustards (Otididae) |
Name: Great Bustard Latin: Otis tarda |
Order: Phoenicopteriformes |
Order - Family: Flamingos (Phoenicopteridae) |
Name: Greater Flamingo Latin: Phoenicopterus ruber |
Order: Caprimulgiformes |
Order - Family: Nightjars (Caprimulgidae) |
Name: European Nightjar Latin: Caprimulgus europaeus |
Order: Apodiformes |
Order - Family: Apodidae |
Name: Common Swift Latin: Apus apus |